How to Lose Weight Healthy with Reduslim?

The most recent trend in nutrition medicine is intermittent fasting. This method can be used to lose weight and keep it off. Interval fasting appears to be protective against type 2 diabetes, according to studies. If in addition to fasting you add Reduslim to your daily diet you will notice very quickly the positive changes in your figure: Reduslim Original

What are the different Methods for interval Fasting?

Fasting is when you abstain from certain foods, drinks, and stimulants for a specific time. You can choose from different types of interval fasting:

16:8: This is the 16-hour time period between the last meal of a previous day and the first meal for the day. Two meals can be taken in the eight-hour period.

Method 5:2: Eat normally five days per week, and very little two days.

1:1 Method (Alternate-Day Fasting): This variant allows you to eat normal food one day and only 25 percent of what you would normally eat the next day. This allows you to alternate between fasting and normal days.

How short-term Fasting can be so Beneficial

Since the stone age, the human metabolism has been adapted to chamfering periods. Our ancestors were able to eat freely when there was plenty; when there was scarcity, they had to eat for several hours or even days. Human bodies can withstand longer periods without hunger by having energy reserves stored in different organs and tissues, and then mobilizing them when necessary. It also decreases energy consumption and, after a few days, begins to breakdown protein in the muscle. If you find it hard to fast try adding Reduslim to this, because of its natural ingredients you will not feel hungry even if you do a long fast: Reduslim Test

Studies show a Positive Effect on Weight Loss and Ageing

Studies on mice have shown that mice that only eat within a certain time frame live longer and are healthier than those who eat all day. Autophagy, which is a type of cell cleansing, also requires a food break lasting at least 14 hours. This process involves the covering of damaged cells with a membrane, and then digesting them. This program can make old cells functional again, and even slow down aging.

Fasting according the 5:2 Method

The 5:2 diet is a popular type of interval fasting. It allows you to eat as normal on five days per week without counting calories. Two days a week, food intake is limited to 500 to 800 calories (for women) and 600 to 850 for men (for men). It is also important to consume plenty of low-calorie beverages. Fasting days should be free from fast-digesting carbs such as potatoes, wheat bread, pasta, and sugar. This allows the body to learn how to live off its reserves. Although the 5:2 method may not be as effective as permanent calorie loss (FDH), it is much easier to implement.

Fasting according the 1:1 Method

The 1:1 diet, also known as alternate-day fasting, involves fasting every day. This can be quite challenging for the body. If you are interested in trying it, consult your doctor first. It is important to maintain a healthy diet when doing alternate-day fasting.

What can you drink while intermittent Fasting?

Both versions of the drink require that you do not eat more than normal during each phase. Fasting is a good time to drink water, thin vegetable broth and unsweetened tea. Also with Reduslim you should drink plenty of fluids, this will make you deflate much faster: Reduslim Buy

Intermittent Fasting: What’s the most Important?

  • You should avoid any physical exertion during the fast, until you become familiar with the new rhythm.
  • Eat normally and not in larger portions.
  • You need to eat enough vegetables and protein sources in order to feel full and satisfied.
  • No snacks between meals!
  • Water and unsweetened tea are great for filling up during meals.
  • After each meal, take a walk or exercise to aid digestion.