Czy dnę można leczyć naturalnie?

As we age, the likelihood of developing certain diseases like hyperuricemia (high blood levels of uric acids) and gout (joint inflammation due to the accumulation of uric Acid) is increasing. Factors such as obesity, excess eating and drinking alcohol can also have an impact.

Na tym kanale dowiesz się wszystkiego o dnie moczanowej: Podagra domowym sposobem

A healthy lifestyle is key to avoiding hyperuricemia or gout. This includes eating a healthy, balanced diet. One of the most important dietary factors is the observation in The New England Journal of Medicine’s March 2004 issue: Each additional serving of red meat per day could increase the risk of developing gout in men by 21%. A study found that a weekly intake of fish could increase the chance of developing gout by 7%.

A good Diet is essential to fight Gout: Dieta na podagrę

Be that as it might, the main dietary risk factors for hyperuricemia or gout are:

  • Otyłość
  • Consumption of red meat, offal, and meat extracts frequently.
  • Consumption of seafood and fish is high
  • Habitual consumption
  • Consume sugary drinks (soft drinks) or fruit juices.
  • We can also discuss which factors may reduce your risk of these conditions.
  • If you are experiencing excessive weight loss,
  • Regular consumption of legumes
  • Regular consumption of vegetables
  • Consume fiber-rich foods (e.g. Whole grains
  • Choose skimmed milk products

You can see that certain legumes and vegetables, such as tomatoes, spinach, lentils, and nuts, are not included in either of these lists. They have higher levels of purines than other foods but studies don’t show an increase in uric acids after they are consumed (purines could theoretically increase our risk for hyperuricemia). This is due to the fact that not all purines behave the same in our bodies, that cooking can influence their effects, as well as the fact that there are foods that, in addition, contain substances that inhibit the formation uric acid.

Gout often appears in the Hand: Podagra Ręka

What’s the Treatment?

Once a diagnosis is made, it is important to visit a doctor. You will also need to determine if pharmacological treatment (there are effective drugs that can control hyperuricemia).

The best natural supplement against gout contains Boswellia and Curcumin: Leczenie podagry

Dietary advice, whether with or without medication, is essential. According to Drs., however, only 30% of patients get them. Alvarez-Lario, Alonso Valdivieso, and mentioned previously. According to them, the following ten pieces are essential for any patient suffering from hyperuricemia/gout:

  • If there is excess weight (overweight, obesity), weight reduction should be done. Reduced caloric intake should be gradual, as it can raise uric acid levels.
  • If you drink alcoholic beverages, limit their consumption. Avoid alcohol, especially spirits.
  • Avoid sugary drinks and “soft drinks”.
  • Reduce your intake of juices.
  • Red meat consumption should be reduced and viscera avoided.
  • Consuming large amounts of seafood and fish can make the condition worse. A 2-3 week intake may be sufficient, but it should be adjusted for the severity of the condition.
  • Prioritize skimmed milk products.
  • Increase your intake of vegetables, legumes, fruits, and protein. Although fructose-rich fruits have been linked to an increased risk of cancer, the health benefits they offer seem to outweigh these risks.
  • Avoid extreme dietary transgressions like sporadic binge-eating, indulgence, and so on.
  • Other cardiovascular risk factors to avoid include salt-rich diets, smoking, and sedentary living.

Many people are unaware of all the Natural Remedies that exist to prevent Gout: Domowe sposoby na podagrę