What are the causes of Impotence and how Potencialex helps to fight it?

Numerous men, including younger ones, suffer from impotence or erectile dysfunction. Younger men are more likely than older men to have psychological causes. Older men are more likely that it is health-related. Researchers have discovered that erectile dysfunction can be caused by many factors. Erection problems are often multifactorial.

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A consulted doctor can not always determine the exact factors. This is because it takes time to talk with the affected and examine them. It is worth examining nutrition and mental illness, which have been neglected. Both are co-triggers for erectile dysfunction.

What does Diet have do with depression?

Surprisingly, a lot. Modern nutrition can cause erectile dysfunction and promote depression. This is due to the increasing industrialization of foods. They lack vitamins and minerals. They also contain substances that are not vital. They can also be contaminated by harmful substances. People who eat mostly fast food, snacks, and frozen pizzas are less likely to get the necessary nutrients. They can eventually lead to erectile dysfunction.

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Our meat is also produced in factory farms. To prevent disease, animals that are slaughtered are often given antibiotics and other drugs. Pesticides and growth hormones can be used as fattening aids on a large scale today. The body reacts to pesticides in the same way as hormones. Consuming a lot meat will automatically cause hormonal imbalances in men. This can also lead to erectile dysfunction. Erectile dysfunction can also lead to depression.

The “Chinese restaurant syndrome” can also cause depression, as is well-known. Monoglutamate is used to enhance flavor. Monoglutamate can cause depression if a person eats a lot of Asian food or frozen convenience foods. These diets are known to lack vitamin D3, which has an antidepressant effect. Coca Cola’s phosphoric acid can cause increased aggression and irritability. This is also due to the caffeine in Coca Cola. People are often overweight due to the high sugar content in many lifestyle drinks. Being overweight promotes erection problems. Erectile dysfunction and depression are both caused by poor diet.

Usually, a mental illness creeps in. It’s often not diagnosed immediately. It is rare for someone to associate depression and aggression with a high-fat diet or excessive meat intake. The affected men often resort to unhelpful methods of self-help. However, alcohol and drugs can worsen erectile problems. This is often the case with antidepressant medication. However, changing medication can help to solve the problem. However, drugs and alcohol do not solve mental problems. They can only create them.

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What does depression have to offer Erectile Dysfunction?

Erectile dysfunction can often be caused by depression or other mental disorders. Erectile dysfunction can also be triggered by trauma from sexual experiences. A quarter of all erectile problems are caused by psychological factors. This is where antidepressants are most important. It is believed that psychological factors are responsible for many more erectile dysfunctions. Unreported cases are high. The psyche isn’t the only trigger.

There are other triggers that can also be involved:

  • The diet
  • Lifestyle
  • Age
  • Hormonal problems
  • Health problems and past illnesses
  • The use of drugs, alcohol (see also alcohol dependence) or nicotine
  • Regularly taken or prescribed medications

It is known that side effects of psychotropic drugs can include erectile dysfunction and sexual dysfunction. Erectile dysfunction is therefore a possible comorbidity for depression or other mental disorders. It is almost impossible to not have erection problems when there are other factors such as performance pressure, fear, failure, diet-related reasons, excessive nicotine intake, and/or fear of failure.

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